Utmost care is given to the tiny tots of HGS. they are nurtured and groomed carefully and effectively. their inquisitive minds are guided through the exploring gateways of 'learning by doing' method. visually aesthetic classrooms adorned with cozy and colorful furniture enhances the learning environment. the classroom teaching is enriched with state of the art I.T. Facilities. Great Emphasis is laid on improving their communication skill and vocabulary through various projects. field trips and visits to different places widen their knowledge and make schooling and enjoyable experience.
Grade I Grade V is termed to be primary schooling, children in primary classes are fostered through activity based learning and their confidence levels are sharpened through wide range of competitions. ethics, etiquettes and life skills training helps our primary graders to bloom into a holistic personality.
Grade VI Grade VII is termed to be middle schooling, upper primary or middle schooling comprises of std VI-VIII. diversified range of curricular activities is offered in the middle school level. various projects, field trips and inter- house activities offer a deep understanding of the subject matter and provide opportunities to fine tune their presentation skills to face the competitive world with great ease and confidence.